domingo, 8 de febrero de 2015

The wings of the decision

Could you figure out how your life would be if you are joined by two peculiar buddies? What about if one of them represents the power of the darkness and the other one belongs to the kingdom of light? Both of them would have wings. They would be same height and quite different weight. Who ever is it, you choose.

The smoke comes out from the old chimney. It is a clear and windy night in his bright world. Red wine could be tasted from his mouth while his mind is fully working. On what? No body knows except himself. Slim jeans and a grey hoodie is on him. His wings bothers him. He is not very comfortable with them, but when they are spread out, they are just so beautiful like his cousin´s. However, this insignificant person does not know how to do it. He needs to be given a boost to do something. He repositions himself to keep reading the book. Suddenly, he realizes he should be somewhere.

The irony is his daily bread. His wings are really useful in the mountainous and hot world he lives. They are immense. They could even hide the Sun behind. There his power is. He loves "walking around" and the risk. If he wanted to do any sport, he would do any. He was given a gift. However, this proud person does not know what it is yet. He is fast actually. Faster and more alive than his cousin. He is flying from the West to the East. A NBA jersey with the number 33 and a shorts are everything he wears. The meeting point is close. 

Image you are in the middle of a crunch. Image you are at the edge of a cliff. You look down and what you see is a rocky furious sea. What about if you jump and go all in? Or, what about if you stay at the edge and make something happen? 

Both cousins are about to arrive at the meeting. If I had those guys on my shoulders right now, I am pretty sure they would slap my face. 

What would their names be?

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Nothing seems what you see in the city of the skyscrapers

Two summers have been enough to call one place “home”. Allow me to make you find out who lives in this green lung of the Earth. Welcome.

Nothing seems what you see in the city of the skyscrapers. I come with the intention of stealing your attention and provoking a feeling. I will introduce you in the city of the talent. You will breathe the smell of the excitement and the air of the happiness.

I have walked a long journey with my hearth to Camp Mariah. Walking barefooted, I have seen the life dancing like a waltz. Engineers, doctors, teachers, musicians, dancers, entrepreneurs, layers… I have seen so many future dreams along the big dinning hall. Dreamers that dream with their eyes opened. I have heard how the songs flew either in the morning or in the night, with the cold or with the heat, with the fatigue or the rest. I have raised my hands clapping every single and different talent that gathered in there.

In a chessboard, they would be the most important figure. The one which everyone would protect, motivate, push and give his or her love. They are the KING. They are like a river that always carries on. They make dance from the differences. From Bronx to Queens, through Harlem, Manhattan, State Island or Brooklyn. In that city that never sleeps and  never-ending lights, the KING is not aware of the power they have. Tireless heroes to save the planet. The great Camp.

I lived this in 2013. I fell in love in 2014. I hope that I have got an image out of you in these almost three hundred words. I will come back again and argue:

"Draw your path and paint what you see"
Camp Mariah, photo taken by Miriam Cavazos  

P.S. If I ever forget who lives in this amazing place full of superheroes, four bracelets make me remember every single day. Thanks to their makers.

P.P.S. Thanks to all of those people, who working in the shadows, run this marvelous program. To Admin and all the friends I have made there. Especially to you, so far and so close.

lunes, 7 de abril de 2014

Soy un ______ que siempre avanza

Soy un ______ que siempre avanza. Mis padres hacen que nazca en las marrones alturas. Ellas me dan hermanos/as e incluso puedo tener primos/as. Al igual que tú: nazco, me desarrollo y consumo. Termino contribuyendo a una gran masa líquida azul que alberga cantidad de vida en su regazo. Vida animal, vegetal e inanimada. Sus colores son variados: rojo, verdoso e incluso negro, pero siempre predomina el azul. Hasta aquí con su historia, vayamos a la mía.

Mi vida es un continuo cuesta abajo que me gustaría experimentar en sentido inverso. Sólo por curiosidad. Desde lo más alto veo todo. Es lo mejor. Soy capaz de empaparme con la historia pasada, alimentar y prestar sabiduría a la presente y estar preparado para la futura. Bueno, siempre que los/as que me modifiquen no lo impidan. Mi vida no es un camino recto. Eso sería lo fácil. Siempre dicen que la línea recta es el camino más fácil para llegar a cualquier sitio. Lo pongo en duda y me gusta ser difícil e interesante puesto que mi vida es curvilínea y se parece a los serpenteos de una serpiente. Para avanzar tengo que ser creativo e imaginativo ya que no sé que piedras habrá en el camino. 

Mi carácter es alegre, puesto que nazco sano aunque tengo algunos prontos y me acelero. Al crecer y estar en contacto con diversos elementos, mi personalidad puede cambiar. Puedo seguir siendo sano o enfermar. Puedo ser tranquilo o rápido. Alegre o triste. Puedo ser fuerte, "rellenito" o débil. Afortunadamente, tengo amigos/as que me alimentan y me hacen recorrer el camino hasta ese gran azul. Ellos se me unen y los/as más importantes aparecen marcados en mi historia. Me dan fuerza y confianza. Algunos/as son grandes, otros/as son pequeños/as, pero todos/as ellos/as contribuyen. 

Veo de todo en mi recorrido, animales, edificios, árboles, flores... y humanos. Humanos que merecen la pena y otros que no. No me gustan los que se aprovechan de mí, los que no me respetan. Los que me ensucian. En cambio disfruto con un techo azul que se transforma en negro cuando unos elementos amarillos hacen presencia en él. Por él viajo. Es muy bonito el contemplarlo, relaja y me atrapa. Siempre me acompaña en mis increíbles aventuras al igual que esos amigos/as de antes..

¿Quién soy?
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