martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Nothing seems what you see in the city of the skyscrapers

Two summers have been enough to call one place “home”. Allow me to make you find out who lives in this green lung of the Earth. Welcome.

Nothing seems what you see in the city of the skyscrapers. I come with the intention of stealing your attention and provoking a feeling. I will introduce you in the city of the talent. You will breathe the smell of the excitement and the air of the happiness.

I have walked a long journey with my hearth to Camp Mariah. Walking barefooted, I have seen the life dancing like a waltz. Engineers, doctors, teachers, musicians, dancers, entrepreneurs, layers… I have seen so many future dreams along the big dinning hall. Dreamers that dream with their eyes opened. I have heard how the songs flew either in the morning or in the night, with the cold or with the heat, with the fatigue or the rest. I have raised my hands clapping every single and different talent that gathered in there.

In a chessboard, they would be the most important figure. The one which everyone would protect, motivate, push and give his or her love. They are the KING. They are like a river that always carries on. They make dance from the differences. From Bronx to Queens, through Harlem, Manhattan, State Island or Brooklyn. In that city that never sleeps and  never-ending lights, the KING is not aware of the power they have. Tireless heroes to save the planet. The great Camp.

I lived this in 2013. I fell in love in 2014. I hope that I have got an image out of you in these almost three hundred words. I will come back again and argue:

"Draw your path and paint what you see"
Camp Mariah, photo taken by Miriam Cavazos  

P.S. If I ever forget who lives in this amazing place full of superheroes, four bracelets make me remember every single day. Thanks to their makers.

P.P.S. Thanks to all of those people, who working in the shadows, run this marvelous program. To Admin and all the friends I have made there. Especially to you, so far and so close.

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